Tuesday 28 July 2009

Notes on a Personal God

I have been reading an amazing book, called Finding Faith, A Self-Discovery Guide For Your Spiritual Quest by Brian D McLaren. It is an reasoned discussion of how to find faith. He looks at Faith, Knowledge and Doubt, and discusses atheism, theism, and good faith and bad faith. It is ideal for those looking for answers to spiritual questions as well as those who think they have already found their answers but want a reasoned faith or to be able to reason it to others. As a sample, here is his explanation of a personal God, hope you find it helpful:

Many people resist the idea of a personal God, and with good reason. When they think of a person, they think of rather quaint but silly images – such as God as a Santa-esque old man with a long white beard ... or as an immature tyrant prone to throwing temper tantrums ... or as a forgetful manager who needs constant reminders (via prayer) lest he forget important details in his universe ... or as an absentminded professor who naively started this experiment called the universe which since has gone more than slightly out of control.

Our problem in this regard is probably a matter of words – perhaps confusing “personal” with “human”. To illustrate, think of the following items: gravity, helium, water, coal, a fern, a frog, a parrot, a golden retriever, a chimpanzee, a human being. The first three bring us from energy to matter, from gas to solid, and from invisible to visible. When we get to the fern, we move from nonliving to living. From fern to frog, we cross the boundary to animate. I don't know any frogs very well, but with my limited exposure, they seem to have a little, but not much, in the way of personality. Parrots have more, and golden retrievers and chimpanzees more still ... and human beings, more still. Now, with each step up the ladder, we didn't lose the qualities of the previous steps; rather, we added more capabilities, more depth ... while we subtracted previous limitations, going from energy to matter to form to solidity to plant life to animal life to warm-blooded life to mammalian life to primate life to human life.

Let's imagine we inserted a million rungs in our ladder after human beings, each rung suggesting more developed, less limited beings, with personalities as far beyond our own as ours are beyond a bullfrog's – not less developed with each ascending rung, but more. And we could insert another million, and another, and we'd be getting some idea of the way in which we can speak of God being personal.

So, we're not saying that God is personal to the same small degree and with the same limitations we are. Rather, we're saying that God is personal not in a way less than us, but more. And we're saying that the fact that we share this quality called personality means that there is a bridge, a connecting point, a common language, a medium of communication. It means that both we and God come equipped with a telephone or modem so we can interface. Obviously, one party's potentials dwarf the other party's, but nevertheless, connectivity is possible. That's a pretty wonderful thought.

Monday 20 July 2009

Blinded by the Light 17 Elitism - The Truth

You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were baptised into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. (Gal.3:26-28)

There is a great diversity in Christianity: different styles of worship, formal and less formal services, different emphases on the gifts and equipping of the Holy Spirit. In this we should rejoice. God does not require us all to fit into one mould. The famous passage in 1 Cor.12 reminds us that the body has many parts which all function differently and are all essential. We are all given the opportunity to find the place which God has for us: the congregation where we feel most comfortable and the work within that congregation that he wants us to fulfil.

Previous posts in this series:

Legalism: The Truth, The Trap, The Solution
Magic Formulas: The Truth, The Trap, The Solution
Answers to Everything: The Truth,The Trap, The Solution
Scripture Twisting: The Truth, The Trap, The Solution
Superstition: The Truth, The Trap, The Solution

Further posts to come in this series:
Elitism: The Truth, The Trap, The Solution
The Need to See: The Truth, The Trap, The Solution

Saturday 4 July 2009

Blinded by the Light 16 Superstition - The Solution

It is good to show respect for our place of worship, and to show respect for God in the way we dress and act. But since we can do nothing to make God love us any more than he does already, these things must not be given special merit. We have already seen that God looks on our hearts, not on the outward appearance (1 Sam.16:7). Love and tolerance in the beginning can help visitors come to know God and his love for them through you. As they and other new Christians grow in relationship with him they will desire to behave and dress more appropriately.

Those rituals and observances which help to focus our minds on God or help us in our obedience or our worship must not be elevated to the position of somehow essential to our salvation. Here we stray once again into legalism. We become upset and guilty if a ritual is omitted or disrupted. For example, a daily quiet time is a discipline which can be a great blessing to us, and one we should do our best to follow. The problem comes when we are unavoidably unable to have our quiet time one day, or for several days, and feel guilty or insecure in our standing before God. Or when we become harsh with children or others who disrupt us for good reason, because we feel the day is spoiled without it.

Many of us are not even aware of the whole range of superstitions which have grown up in our own lives or in our congregations. The next time you are faced with something which seems inappropriate or disrespectful to God, stop and ask yourself, in the light of God's unconditional love and care for his people, if it really matters.

Previous posts in this series:

Legalism: The Truth, The Trap, The Solution
Magic Formulas: The Truth, The Trap, The Solution
Answers to Everything: The Truth,The Trap, The Solution
Scripture Twisting: The Truth, The Trap, The Solution
Superstition: The Truth, The Trap

Further posts to come in this series:
Elitism: The Truth, The Trap, The Solution
The Need to See: The Truth, The Trap, The Solution